information for structural timber repair using resins
Our Structural repair of
buildings service includes the provision of:
1. Structural designs
and method statements - part of our FREE estimating service
2. Structural Check Calculations
- an option, from our computer system
3. Independent verification
of our Designs by Structural Engineers - a further option, from
our panel of qualified Structural Engineers
To request any Structural
Design or Calculation Service
Call us on 01626 872886 or
E Mail:
Materials used for
Timber-Resin Splice Manufacture:
TIMBER - Kiln Dried,
bonded in-house, C16 or C24, optional Hardwoods
STEEL - High Tensile
Allthread to GRADE 975 8.8
bright steel plated
PRS Structural
Epoxy Pouring Resin
Active Substance
DGEB A/F Epoxy Resins
Other Components
Cycloaliphatic Polyamine Adduct
Mix ratio - Do not vary the mix ratio
Liquids - Base:Hardener = 2:1
Bond Strength/Tensile Shear Adhesion
12 N/mm2
Compressive Strength - 81 N/mm2
Tensile Strength - 22 N/mm2
Flexural Strength - 42 N/mm2
Flexural Modulus - 5720 N/mm2
Specific Gravity - 1.53
Static Modulus of Elasticity
Et 17.235 KN/mm2
Young's Modulus >17,000 N/mm2
Aggressivity to other materials
No known aggressivity
Classification of unmixed components
Irritant & corrosive
Packaging - 2.5 litre and 7.5 litre three part
kits. Optional 1000cc cartridges, for use with skeleton guns
As supplied - two amber liquids and a bag of grey powder. When mixed
- Mid Grey
Timber Repair
Method for beam ends
1. Cut out all rotted, loose
or flaking material and vacuum to remove dust. Abrade or grind as necessary
to provide clean, stable surfaces free of all contaminants.
2. Mix the two liquid components
first (2.5/7.5 Litre packs), add the powder slowly (wear a dust mask)
and then mix the three Structural
Epoxy Pouring Resin components thoroughly using a mixing paddle
in an electric drill.
3. Ensure that the temperature
is above 5 degrees Centigrade, or pre-warm the materials, otherwise
curing may be delayed or prevented. Cure time: 24 hours initial at 20C,
7 days full. Working pot life: 45 minutes at 20 degrees C. Minimum de-propping
time 48 hours, subject to ambient temperature.
4. For injection, dispense the Structural Epoxy Pouring Resin
into a 1 litre cartridge or use Thixotropic
Epoxy Injection and Laminating Resin.

Arch repair awaiting resin
injection - side slot - Type D TRS.
PRS Thixotropic
Epoxy Injection and Laminating Resin
Active Substance
Bisphenol A/F epoxy & Aliphatic Amines
Other Components
Glycidyl ether and inert fillers
Mix ratio - Do not vary the mix ratio -
2 measures of Base to 1 measure of Activator
Bond Strength/Tensile Shear Adhesion -
6 N/mm2
Compressive Strength - 30 N/mm2
Tensile Strength - 16 N/mm2
Flexural Strength - 20 N/mm2
Flexural Modulus - 503 N/mm2
Static Modulus of Elasticity
Et 656 KN/mm2
Young's Modulus >656,000 N/mm2
Aggressivity to other materials
No known aggressivity
Classification of unmixed components
Irritant and corrosive
400cc and 1000cc two pot kits. Optional 400cc and 1000cc cartridges,
for use with skeleton guns
As supplied - Bright Blue/Cream. When mixed - Off White
Repairs | Cracks
& Splits | Upgrading Strength | History
| Contact
Repair Systems
T: 01626 872886
E: Mail us
Other Property Repair Systems
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- our Home Site
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Site written by: David
David Moore, B.A. (Hons.),
C.T.I.S., C.R.D.S. Technical Author